The Nike Church
of Basketball

We reaffirmed Nike's commitment to Chicago basketball
by transforming a restored church into a heavenly court

The Full Story

Nike has long been known for its partnerships with elite pro athletes. But in a world that increasingly wants brands to be not just cool, but also good for society, that association is no longer enough. 

So we we set out prove Nike’s commitment to all athletes, in a way that inspired a new generation to Just Do It and built brand loyalty in the emerging purpose-driven culture. 

The Church was an abandoned house of worship in Chicago transformed into a unique training center designed to reignite a passion for basketball in local kids and their community. The space we designed paid tribute to the building’s pst as a center of faith while serving as a state-of-the-art facility to train for the future.

The results were overwhelming. The community embraced Nike’s mission, and the space garnered extensive positive press coverage.  The project was recognized at Cannes, winning a Grand Prix and Bronze Lion.